Afroditi Terzi
My work is (about) relational becoming.

An ongoing process of interaction. In a state of flux.  Influenced by connections. Between humans, nonhumans, the self, environments and concepts. 

Afroditi (1991) is an Amsterdam-based contemporary artist with a focus on painting. She received a bachelor’s degree from the Rietveld Academie. Her curiousity lies in the process of relating to others, whether humans or not, and how this influences one’s understanding. Her process is intuitive, yet intentional, exploring the boundaries between instinct and logic.


Solo exhbition “Unbound” | 2024
Fons Welters gallery

Elck Syn Waerom (collective piece) with Elisa van Joolen | 2023
Rietveld Uncut, Stedelijk museum, Amsterdam

Si Si Spex #13 | 2023
Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam

We are already gone | 2022
Sisi Expo, Amsterdam

Group exhibition DOGtime 3 | 2022
ISO Art Space, Amsterdam

Expo . dition | 2020
Haagschekopjes, the Hague

Exhibition DOGtime 1 | 2021
Orangerie, Amstelpark, Amsterdam

I’d love to talk or meet! 

Instagram: afroditi__terzi